What Can Affect Your Mesothelioma Case?

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What Can Affect Your Mesothelioma Case?

Every mesothelioma case is unique. This fact is the biggest reason why asbestos claims are filed and evaluated individually. All cases have distinctive elements that affect how much compensation each case deserves.

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Determining How Much Your Case Is Worth

Before starting the legal process, victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases want to know their case’s value. They prefer to hear an exact or estimated dollar amount before moving ahead with the legal process.

There’s no way to estimate a case’s value without the help of a mesothelioma attorney. Their research and knowledge is needed to collect all evidence and consider every possible avenue for compensation.

Our Recent Recoveries for Mesothelioma Victims

A trusted mesothelioma lawyer will help you and your family get compensated for your cancer. Here are just a few examples of recoveries for victims we've helped.

$7 million


$3.95 million

Construction worker

$2.77 million

Navy veteran, pipefitter, and boiler worker

Learn More About Your Case

Factors Affecting Your Case’s Value

Your lawyer will examine all aspects of your case before proceeding with the claim. Every component can increase your compensation. The main factors affecting your case are:

  • How you were exposed to asbestos
  • How many companies are responsible
  • Your lost wages or pension
  • Medical expenses from your cancer
  • The years and length of time of asbestos exposure
  • Your age at diagnosis

Another significant factor is the type of claim you and your attorney file. Your claim could include asbestos trust fund filings, and involve a lawsuit. Trust fund claims will get you compensated quicker, but lawsuits often result in a larger payment.

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Help for Veterans Filing Mesothelioma Claims

U.S. military veterans make up one-third of people with mesothelioma. The use of asbestos was rampant in the military, especially in the Navy.

Veterans with mesothelioma can file two types of claims:

  • VA claims
  • Legal claims

VA claims are made with the Department of Veterans Affairs. This claim usually results in monthly Disability Compensation or Pension from the VA.

Legal claims, such as asbestos trust fund claims, are made against the at-fault asbestos manufacturing companies. Veterans can file both types of claims and receive compensation from each. Receiving VA compensation does not exclude you from filing a legal claim.

We stress that legal claims for mesothelioma are NOT made against the U.S. government. Many veterans with mesothelioma shy away from speaking to a lawyer because they don’t want to take legal action against the government. Mesothelioma cases involve the companies that made millions and billions in profits from producing and selling asbestos.

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Length of Mesothelioma Cases

One of the biggest myths about mesothelioma cases is that they are long and tedious. The legal process for claims doesn’t have to be either long or tedious, at least for the claimant.

Many claims are resolved in just a few months, and the claimant isn’t needed for much of the legal procedures. Mesothelioma cases move ahead without a lot of the victim's work, lessening the intrusion on your life.

Of course, you need a trusted and knowledgeable lawyer to guard you from the legal grind. We can help with a lawyer who values your time and will handle your case in your best interest.

Get Started With Your Claim

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